




Welcome To The Blog!

Here you’ll find a little more than just the portfolio. You’ll see weddings, read love stories and even see a handful of personal posts. This blog is one of my favorite aspects of my job and I am so excited you’re here. When you’re finished exploring, make sure to hop on over to Ebby L Photography website for more! 

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Where do I even begin?! Last week two of my best friends and I went on a little mini vacation to Denver, Colorado.  As some of you may know, my main reason for the trip was the Creative at Heart Conference (blog post to come soon!).  But because of my love for Colorado, I really […]

Ladies Trip To Colorado

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As soon as we pulled up to the house, we could practically taste the delicious smell of chicken kabobs cooking on the grill.  Inside the house sat a dining room table covered in delicious cheeses, sweets and fruits all prepared by Chef Brett Lehmann.  In the back yard was a white canopy tent that contained a full bar, […]

Brett Lehmann Catering, A House Warming Party, Champaign IL

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A couple of weeks ago, I photographed Baby Ellie at Daydreaming Vintage, a boutique store recently opened in Mahomet, IL. I had never been in there prior to but as soon as I walked in I couldn’t get over how adorable it was.  They have everything from succulents to soaps.  I couldn’t help but use […]

Daydreaming Vintage, Mahomet IL

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Happy 12th Birthday Bear!!!! This big boy has brought so much joy into John & I’s lives.  We adopted him from the Champaign County Humane Society last June after his owner had passed away (To see Bear’s first blog post, CLICK HERE).  Although these aren’t the highest quality photos, here’s a collection of some of […]

Happy 12th Birthday Bear!

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Just posting this blog has me longing to be back in the Florida/Caribbean sunshine! This past week I was able to travel with The Cassels, my second family, to their Florida home as well as a four day Caribbean cruise.  I have been traveling with this amazing family for the past five years but had […]

Cruising through the Caribbean

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Last weekend I was able to getaway to rural North Dakota to see my grandparents and mom’s side of the family.  I was originally supposed to go visit with my mother and sister during the Holiday season but was busy with weddings and decided it was best to wait.  I hadn’t visited there since I was […]

Family Time in North Dakota