




Welcome To The Blog!

Here you’ll find a little more than just the portfolio. You’ll see weddings, read love stories and even see a handful of personal posts. This blog is one of my favorite aspects of my job and I am so excited you’re here. When you’re finished exploring, make sure to hop on over to Ebby L Photography website for more! 

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Hey friends! I don’t know about you all but finally having Spring weather is drastically improving my mood this morning. I’ve got music blasting throughout the house and all of the windows open. Side note, the picture above is from South Africa… I’m just hoping the weather continues getting nicer and Illinois looks like that […]

Friday Feels

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I’m writing this paragraph last. I started typing this blog post and quickly realized it was more of a letter to John than anything else. But I wanted to share it with you all because my relationship with him is such a huge part of me.  I also am sharing because I want you to […]

Five Years with You

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Hey friends, Happy Friday.  If you’re like me, you’re wishing that today’s weather was a lot more like yesterday’s… which was super nice and finally Spring-like! But I suppose we’ll just have to take what Mother Nature gives us and cross our fingers she decides on Spring soon. In other news, it’s been two weeks […]

Friday Feels

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Last week these two were the cutest soon-to-be parents imaginable… or so I thought. This week, they’re the cutest soon-to-be parents who are recently engaged!! While Steven and Haley have been getting the nursery ready and preparing for their future baby girl, Steven has had another thing in mind. Haley is a total planner. She […]

Holiday Park Maternity, Steven & Haley, Indianapolis IN

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This week on the blog… The Brides Tell All! (in my best Chris Harrison from the Bachelor voice) While brides-to-be are bombarded with Pinterest ideas and Must-Do’s from, I realized there isn’t a lot of information out there from previous brides… hints my reasoning for this blog post.  Since I’m not married/haven’t had a […]

Brides Tell All: The Do’s and Don’ts from Past #EbbyLBrides

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The flu strikes again! This week has been a lot of rest, sneezing and couch time.  Thanks to my mom’s random surprise care package, I’ve had plenty of my favorite word searches to work on. I typically only do word searches when traveling but being sick this week has made me make an exception.  Along […]

Friday Feels