




Welcome To The Blog!

Here you’ll find a little more than just the portfolio. You’ll see weddings, read love stories and even see a handful of personal posts. This blog is one of my favorite aspects of my job and I am so excited you’re here. When you’re finished exploring, make sure to hop on over to Ebby L Photography website for more! 

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2020 Best of Weddings, Ebby L Photography 2020. A year the wedding industry will never forget. In the past, best of weddings blogs consisted of my favorite images from 25+ weddings. This year, that number shrunk all the way down to 9. Nine weddings, two of which were small intimate ceremonies with reception plans in […]

2020 Best of Weddings, Ebby L Photography

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2020 Best of Sessions, Ebby L Photography While 2020 brought several hardships, it also brought a reminder we all needed. 2020 reminded us that time is precious. 2020 reminded us to love our loved ones well. To my clients, thank you for allowing me to photograph you this year. Your baby bumps, pups, babies, boyfriends, […]

2020 Best of Sessions, Ebby L Photography

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2020 Best of Engagements, Ebby L Photography YOU GUYS!!! 2020 was a “year” for several reasons… butttt on a positive note, 2020 was a year full of beautiful engagement photos! Not only did I move to the city this year, I also photographed SO many more couples in the city. I found new favorite locations, […]

2020 Best of Engagements, Ebby L Photography

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Newlyweds Downtown Chicago Session, Austin & Amanda, Chicago IL Austin and Amanda’s original wedding date was 10/10/20 and was set to take place in California.  Like so many others, their plans were disrupted by Covid restrictions. However, they adapted their plans because they were just excited to officially become husband and wife. On 10/10/20, Austin […]

Newlyweds Downtown Chicago Session, Austin & Amanda, Chicago IL

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Algonquin Downtown Engagement, James & Stephanie, Algonquin IL While Stephanie describes her and James as more of a fun/goofy couple, James did something that completely surprised her when he popped the question. James was in charge of planning their next ‘date night’. From what Stephanie knew, they were going to dinner and then were going […]

Algonquin Downtown Engagement, James & Stephanie, Algonquin IL

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Trailside Event Center Wedding, Nate & Lindsay, Peoria IL “To quote the country song by Frankie Ballard, ‘It all started with a beer..’”, shared Nate’s best man when recalling Nate and Lindsay’s relationship. Nate and Lindsay met on Tinder. Naturally, Nate and Lindsay can both be shy and reserved but something just clicked when they […]

Trailside Event Center Wedding, Nate & Lindsay, Peoria IL