




Welcome To The Blog!

Here you’ll find a little more than just the portfolio. You’ll see weddings, read love stories and even see a handful of personal posts. This blog is one of my favorite aspects of my job and I am so excited you’re here. When you’re finished exploring, make sure to hop on over to Ebby L Photography website for more! 

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I knew as soon as Claire got engaged,  I had to be a part of her wedding day.  Growing up, Claire was always around at our house.  My little sister and Claire became best friends in elementary school and their friendship continued to grow over the years. Claire has always been the sweet, quiet one […]

Snowy Winter Wedding, Brenton & Claire, Champaign IL

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Winter Wedding at Pear Tree Estate, Brad & Kaylea, Champaign IL Blizzard Warning. That’s what my weather app said two days before Brad and Kaylea’s wedding day.  With winter weddings, there is always a risk of ‘winter weather’. However, when planning you never expect for it to be as extreme as a blizzard warning.  Due […]

Winter Wedding at Pear Tree Estate, Brad & Kaylea, Champaign IL

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With my 2019 wedding season starting in just one week, I thought it was time to share the Best of Weddings 2018.  Every year this blog post turns out a little bit different. For this past wedding season, I wanted to share with you little snippets of individual parts of a wedding day’s timeline. I […]

Best of Weddings 2018, Ebby L Photography

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WHAT A YEAR. 2018 is without a doubt the most exciting and eventful year I’ve ever had.  This past year was filled with milestones I will never forget. While the images may not be up to Ebby L’s photo quality liking, the memories certainly are. South Padre, TX. John, Nicole and I started off the […]

2018 in a Blog, Ebby L Photography

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As I began putting together Bill & Hilary’s wedding blog, I received an email.  The email was from The Knot letting me know I had received a new review.  The review was written by Hilary. “The moment we got engaged, my husband and I knew we wanted to use Ebby to photograph our special day. […]

Galleria Marchetti Winter Wedding, Bill & Hilary, Chicago IL