I am so excited to share these images! The Cassel family has been a huge part of my life for the past 4 years ever since I began babysitting and staying with Hannah. It’s crazy for me to think that she was only 9 years old when I met her. This cutie is now 13 years old and is more of a friend then someone I babysit. These images are taken during our time on vacation in Italy just a week ago. We spent half of our two weeks in the Florence area and spent our second week in Cinque Terre. These photos are taken in Cornigilia, the village in Cinque Terre we stayed in. The entire time I was in Italy I was just daydreaming about photographing people here… every door, street, hallway, flower was just dying for me to pose people in front of. Ah, so beautiful. Thank you to the Cassel family aka my second family for not only taking me to Italy with them, but also for allowing me to take these photos while we were there.