This family was particularly fun for me to photograph due to my relationship with them. For the past 7 months, I have spent a a couple of mornings a month with this sweet little baby Svea… and occasionally her older brothers Nicolai and Logan. I have loved watching Svea go from no teeth to four teeth, sitting up to starting to walk, and just watching her become a little human. Not to mention, it’s so much fun to see her admire her older brothers and to see how caring they are towards her. For their family session, we went to the Arboretum and adventured around the area. The boys were fascinated with the pond and all of the creatures they found near and in it. Logan was having a bit of a rough day and wasn’t feeling up for photos butt his daddy and monster truck helped to cheer him up. We found ways to make the photos fun …Nicolai especially, who someone found her way to the sprinklers in the middle of the session! I love these photos and the expressions I was able to capture from all of the little ones 🙂
Juicebox to save the day!