




Welcome To The Blog!

Here you’ll find a little more than just the portfolio. You’ll see weddings, read love stories and even see a handful of personal posts. This blog is one of my favorite aspects of my job and I am so excited you’re here. When you’re finished exploring, make sure to hop on over to Ebby L Photography website for more! 

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Hi everyone! I hope you’re having a lovely Friday. Rather than talking about this week specifically, I wanted to share some of my personal travels recently.  This summer has been one for the books when it comes to celebration. With two of my best friends engaged, our group of friends has been lucky enough to […]

Friday Feels

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Hey friends! It’s been a bit. While I ideally like to share a Friday Feels every single week.. life has been crazy.  I’ve on weekend 8/10 of traveling and everything is a whirlwind.  Oh…  John and I also bought a house at the beginning of this month. We’ve been painting and prepping the house for […]

Friday Feels

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I’m on the road again this weekend. Today, I’m headed to Auburn, IN to photograph one of my friend and fellow University of Illinois alumni’s wedding. It’s always exciting when I get to work a wedding that I know I’ll see familiar faces at.  Not to mention, my friend Mack (the groom)’s family owns KAMS […]

Friday Feels

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Happy Friday! Truth be told, I’m writing this on Thursday because I have a busy weekend ahead of me.  My season of endless hours in the car, weddings and photo sessions has arrived. I am so thankful for comfortable shoes, planning my calendar ahead of time and One Direction sing along songs when I’m delirious […]

Friday Feels

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Last weekend, I got to sneak away to Florida for three days to celebrate my friend Kate for her bachelorette party.  I don’t know what to even say other than it was an ABSOLUTE blast.  It had been so long since all of my high school best friends and I were together that it was […]

Friday Feels ft. FRIENDS in Florida!

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Hey friends! I don’t know about you all but finally having Spring weather is drastically improving my mood this morning. I’ve got music blasting throughout the house and all of the windows open. Side note, the picture above is from South Africa… I’m just hoping the weather continues getting nicer and Illinois looks like that […]

Friday Feels