




Welcome To The Blog!

Here you’ll find a little more than just the portfolio. You’ll see weddings, read love stories and even see a handful of personal posts. This blog is one of my favorite aspects of my job and I am so excited you’re here. When you’re finished exploring, make sure to hop on over to Ebby L Photography website for more! 

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Today’s Friday Feels is from one of my favorite little corners in the world, Janey’s Coffee Co.  I’m in Arizona shooting a wedding this weekend for one of my favorite families.  This will be my fourth November in AZ and I always look forward to my time here. I can’t wait for the wedding this […]

Friday Feels

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And just like that.. I’m traveling again! This weekend I am in Atlanta second shooting for one of my wonderful friends, Katie.  Her work is amazing… so go check it out… KGC Photography.  It is such a fun experience for me to second shoot rather than lead every once in a while so I am […]

Friday Feels from Atlanta

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This week has kind of been a blur.  I can’t believe it’s already Friday.  Today, I am headed to the city for an engagement session and then off to a busy weekend in Champaign! I will worn you ahead of time, this week’s Friday Feels aren’t exactly the rainbows & butterflies.However, there is along with […]

Friday Feels


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Heyyyy Friday!! Today is the first Friday in over a month that I’ve been home and not in the car on my way to somewhere else. I will be on my way to Milwaukee, WI in the morning for an engagement session but this is also the first weekend in six weeks that I haven’t […]

Friday Feels

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Yayyy for Friday! This week was heavily fueled by coffee.  Although I worked while gone the past two weeks, it isn’t quite the same as getting back into your work day schedule at home.  Oh, and when I’m out of town I don’t have my constant office companion, Fluff.  She’s doesn’t quite understand what a […]

Friday Feels

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Hey friends! Happy Friday. I apologize for missing last weeks feels… I’ll explain why and where I’ve been the last two weeks in today’s post. It’s been kind of a whirlwind full of suitcase living and long hours in the car but in a way I’m really grateful for it… also will be explained below.  […]

Friday Feels